Building Relationships

Building Relationships

Date: 9/22/2024

(C) Copyright 2024 to Shlomo kory,  Jerusalem, Israel. All rights reserved. 


(Please note that this article is not finished yet! )

This article is based on the first chapter of the Sefer Tomer Devorah By Rav Moshe Cordevero.  It is not a translation,  but rather uses the ideas he presents.  we are going to use the 13 Midos  (character traits) and behaviors he presents as a basis for building better relationships with anyone.  


The first two traits are the character trait of Tolerance.  The first thing I have to understand is that in any relationship,  there are going to be things that bother me.  I have to cultivate the trait of tolerance in order to get along with people. If I cannot tolerate things people do, it is going to be very challenging to get along with other people! 


The third Midah is "fixing" or "correcting" people.  In other words,  I don't only tolerate people;  I can help them correct themselves.  This is particularly important when it comes to my relationship with them.   I can assist them to correct behaviors towards me that bother me and thereby improve our relationship.